Monday, July 12, 2010

Number three

As I sit here at the beginning of the next chapter in my life, I cannot help but to wonder how I got here and that if those small simply little things that happened along the way actually had a significant impact on where I have come to. I think they do, but only to a point. It is what you take away from the experiences that make the difference. I am quietly confident that if I did not go to university, I would be in a similar situation as to where I am now. I was adamant at the end of high school that if I didn’t get into university, that it would be fine; I would get to where I need to be in due course.

Having said that, all of life’s encounters have a big impact on you. It is commonly said that it is not the destination but the journey and I believe that no matter what path I take, I will get the most out of my journey.

This leads me to my next thought (and, of course the continual thoughts of Everest).

WAITING. It is the hardest thing to do- funny thing is, it doesn’t even involve doing anything. You just sit there and wait. I am currently awaiting a phone call about a job. It’s a job that is not my dream job, but far from settling. It would be a fantastic opportunity to have. I really hope I get offered the position. I was told early this week I would know, so that means Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday. Was not today (Monday) so just two more days of having my phone next to me from 9 to 5. I felt that the interview went really well; I hit it off with the three on the panel and had an answer for everything, but if I left myself believe that this is the one, then the disappointment is so much greater. Still, I am secretly hoping....

My dream job however, one that I spent a very long time completing the Key Selection Criteria for, was given to a ‘redeployee’. How f**ed is that?? I understand that priority is given to employees who are classified as ‘surplus’ but man oh man what a waste of time. I spent a lot of time getting all my answers polished and concise in the hope of getting a call- this was a job I really really wanted, something that I was qualified and would have been great at. But alas, cannot cry over spilt milk or opportunities that are missed.

In the interim, I have recently become qualified as a swim teacher. I really like it and it is something that I can come back to in the future. Also something that I can do until I get a job job.

I preserved limes on the weekend, a very nana thing to do, but I just love homemade foods and condiments [Photos coming]. I put some lovely hot red chilies in a couple of the jars, I think chili and lime goes great together. Can’t wait to start using them

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