Wednesday, July 7, 2010

This photo is one of my most favorite memories

As I was standing there in awe of everything... life, oh the beauty of life, I thought man this would be the perfect place to call it a day. Perhaps that was altitude talking I don't know. All I know is that this was the most amazing this I have ever seen. This shot was taken while crossing the Thorong La, a pass that is a highlight of the Annapurna Circuit in Nepal. I was lucky (?) enough to have had good snow fall the days prior (and during) to get a lovely fresh powder snow. I question the luckiness of it as the local lodge owners prefer there to be no snow as it is far easier and safer to cross the pass. Also, even after leaving that morning, we were not 100% we would be able to continue. That day was hard going, but reaching the top of the pass and seeing a tea shop, spectacular.

I think it's feelings like those that I experienced during the pass that are driving me to summit The feeling of being completely and utterly blown away by something is addictive. Perhaps like a drug...

I have progressed to reading every book written about Mt Everest. There are hundreds out there, perhaps even more than that. I just fear that by becoming obsessed with standing atop the roof of the world, I may loose track of the present. I somehow don't think that I will, but those around me, seeing me with books on the triumphs and tragedies that have occurred on the mountain, how will I maintain this level of passion when I wont be able to have my chance for many years?

An obsessive person by nature, can I maintain this excitement while still functioning normally within society? I'd like to think so. Realistically, I know that my thoughts will not be consumed solely by Everest in years or even months, but I do strongly feel that it will still be there. Keeping it on a slow burner until the time is right. Yep it's a plan.

I have to go to work now to earn moola for my adventure =]

note to self- re-read all posts before posting!!

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